Jungle Survival Theory: How To Recognize The Correct Buddha?
All authority
of any kind, especially in the field of thought
and understanding, is the most destructive,
thing. Leaders destroy
the followers and followers destroy
the leaders. You have to be your own teacher
and your own disciple. You have to question
everything that man has accepted as valuable, as necessary.
J. Krishnamurti
"You must not have any other god
but me." Exodus 20:3
Is it not money, careers,
professional titles, and other similar things to which we bow every
The purpose of this article is to speak about some
commonly accepted views that the public does not see so importantly
controversial and as an example is used psychology, but cults and
sects, too, within the context of which manipulation and deviation
is briefly described.
If you are not interested to read this little
overview of cults, sects, and mind control, click
here to jump to the section where Eastern cults, sects and some other
organizations are mentioned. Not all
of them included here are ultimately negative - some of them are completely
OK and it is up to you to investigate their genuineness. A
good order (Dharma) requires qualities being engineered both on part
of ordinary humans and organizations too. If everything works well,
there are no renegades and no conflicts.
Informational manipulation
The 1992 hit song by Janet Jackson says that "The
Best Things in Life Are Free". However, the drive of the
majority of this world's ideas is rather to collect money and power.
Promoters of many of the world's ideas use tricky
ways of brainwashing. Not only sectarianism does develop this
fashion - it is a disease of all society.
This article will try to show you the real
picture of the Buddha.
It is wrong to speak about evils of cults and sects,
on the one hand, and overlook, on the other hand, deviant
manners and destructiveness of other relevant groups that often
influence us.
Recently, one colleague (psychologist) asked me to
say few words about an English review of the Richard Lynn's book entitled
Race Differences in Intelligence: An
Evolutionary Analysis, and I have a few words to share.
The final conclusion
of the above book is that East Asians have the highest IQ and
that Australian aborigines and other "primitive"
tribes from Africa and other poorer parts of the world
have the lowest intelligence.
Richard Lynn et al. is mentioned in the English
Wikipedia in an article entitled "Scientific Racism"
and you may find all relevant information there.
The so-called "East-Asians" are
people who belong to the group of nations that use pictorial
communication means in writing and reading. These are not
used anywhere in the developed world except for countries like Japan,
China, Korea…
If psychologists want to measure intelligence,
they use nonverbal matrices (for example,
by Raven) for most of the time. However, these tests only mirror
mathematical-logical capabilities.
Europeans, Indians in Asia, Tamils and most world
nations assemble words from letters and vowels. One of the oldest
languages - Sanskrit, which the
Aryans brought to India, follows the same pattern.
If Japanese, Korean, and Chinese people communicate
from their earliest preschool age only in pictorial
interaction with the world, it is very probable that they
will always produce better results
in any nonverbal test. Lynn significantly overlooked this point.
Lynn claims that there are race differences and sex
differences in intelligence. I claim that this is correct, but it
depends on measurement tools and measurement conditions. Nonverbal
intelligence tests are generally performed in a very "amiable"
environment - you sit and look at pictures and the administrator of
an IQ test usually smiles at you. You have to think and give replies.
The only stressful condition is time.
Can anybody show me an IQ test that would measure,
apart from mathematical-logical capabilities, conditions that show
people's capabilities to react in a variety of different, if not life-threatening
situations? If so, why then a nonverbal IQ test is not substituted
for a situational intelligence test?
Situational solutions require inherent intelligence attributes that
people can show in various conditions under stress, at risk, etc.
Had psychologists approved a new
standard that IQ is measured against the
criterion of one's ability to survive in a jungle,
many of those "high IQ scorers"
in the Lynn's results might have breathed their last breath if being
exposed to dangers of a jungle for only a couple of hours. African
or Australian aborigines would always score better in jungles, but
they do not have a rich
foundation that would sponsor a research for their favor.
As you might have noticed that I have some psychological
(but not Korean) background, I can assure you that
most psychologists do know today that IQ tests must be developed in
harmony with the culture they are intended for. Today,
this opinion prevails in psychology and Lynn's attempts to use one
IQ test (developed only for Europeans and Americans) for
all cultures are really not very
much scientific.
Joseph Goebbels,
the head of the Nazi
ideology engine, had one of the highest IQ's ever measured
in history, yet he could have survived. Did he know about it?
In search of the Aryans
Informational manipulation
is a destructive force seen not only
in hands of sects. Political parties, psychologists,
religions, or even employers often
use it.
(some) psychologists repeatedly criticize "destructiveness
of cults and sects", but they often use the same methods.
They have websites that sell training videos and courses for "unbelievable
prices", as if the professional public, if not professors themselves,
believed that we need to be, as a computer program, patched. They
overlook that the difference between a source code and the human material
is much bigger. Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, was
the first person who introduced the "To
Be As I Am" concept and I think that he was absolutely
accurate in his view.
What Is a Sect?
A sect is a group of people with very tight relationships
and intolerant interpretation of religious traditions,
beliefs, etc. Sects are the work of people who like to be seen
as gods. A sect's motion engine is a religious projection. Criticizing
it is the only way how you can tell that you deal with a sect - it
results in absolute hostility from its part, although God is merciful.
A REAL MASTER, if you have accepted
him as such for all your life, should also agree with investigation.
If the master refuses investigation, he cannot stand on a
clear path, which he or she offers
to you. Such a master does it rather the opposite way - he
crucifies you.
Sects always practice various cult-like forms of
behavior, too - of these, a cult of personality
is the most common one.
What Is a Cult?
A cult is a specific approach to a certain goal,
not always a religious one. It can be best illustrated on examples.
The Catholic Church is the mainstream religion, but it has
not yet approved some places where Mother
Mary allegedly appeared. People who visit such places cultivate
a "cult belief" (but
other Catholics do not), which is often nondestructive, as there are
destructive and
nondestructive cults. A cult of
personality in case of Napoleon cannot be seen purely
as destructive, as Napoleon enforced ideals of the French
Revolution, thus consequently seen differently by Russians
in comparison to Hitler's invasion of Russia.
A cult of violence
is another example of what a cult is - we see violence very often
in films. A cult of ideal female beauty is
just a similar story. If someone suffers from strabismus, he
or she is seldom seen on screens of TV companies as a journalist,
which is actually a violation of human rights.
Cult culture
is part of our society and we are often (Mind Control) not aware of
its control. Some cults we deal with in our
daily life (and possibly not knowing they are cults, being
under the power of Mind Control) are:
1) cult of manliness (in Catholic
Church, for example); 2) cult of ideal female
beauty in fashion companies (which unfortunately results
in anorexia); 3) cult of money;
4) cult of collective soul (groupthink),
Cult of personality
is seen on all social levels including business,
religion, and politics,
and it is hard to identify. A good technique how to identify it
is criticism. We have some political
parties here that oppress their members if they express what they
I read a good article in an American psychological
journal (about collective soul) that said that the Space
Shuttle Challenger disaster had happened because the collective
soul of the "best engineers"
had simply ignored comments of other engineers without such an "authoritative
status" in the project;
hence the "chosen
ones" had rejected objections that could have
otherwise prevented the disaster.
Cults, Sects, Law, And God
Cults and sects are difficult to obliterate
by laws. It was a democratic society in which Hitler won elections.
Destructive cults are seen in bad light because their proponents cultivate
hostility and deform great personages and ideas of our history. God
created this world in various colors
to serve His plan. Cults develop a culture that makes people believe
that a violet color is red.
What Is Mind Control?
It is a psychological manipulation
of forced subconscious influence
(with chained dependencies) - the one we accept unconsciously but
are not aware of its control. Again,
it can be easily illustrated on an example - you receive an MS Word
document, but in order to read it you must have Microsoft Word. You
do not have MS Word, so you must install it. But in order to install
it, you need Windows. However, your computer is a bit old and you
suddenly find out that Windows 7 needs at least 1024 MB of RAM. Windows
Millennium and XP are unavailable in stores. You either bury
your old computer (an ecological
catastrophe), or buy a new one.
Of course, you can install Linux, CrossOver Office, but many other
people will instead go to a shop and buy the newest version of Windows
and a new computer. You see chains of dependencies (RAM, CPU, etc.)
you must pay for (but the situation may look different - you will
buy MS Word only and it will simply work on any computer).
Cults and sects
use Mind Control in a similar
way - their goal is to "support" the "guru"
(the product) or the "boss",
not God. The best
way how to recognize people's (guru's) genuineness is to see
if they allow you to be investigated
by your sincere questions.
To be genuine is the wish
of God. Crucifixion is the wish of devil.
Overview of some "Buddhas"
An old Indian wisdom says that God
resides in all living beings.
Eastern sects, cults and some goodies
3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization)
This is a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing
the teachings of Kundalini Yoga
as taught by Harbhajan Singh Yogi, the group's founder.
Ananda Marga
Officially known as Ananda
Marga Pracharaka Samgha (AMPS) is a movement for "propagation
of the path of bliss". It was founded in India (1955)
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. The Ananda
Marga's ideology is that human development can only be achieved through
both personal development and social service. The meaning of the term
Ananda Marga is "the path of bliss".
Bubba Free John
Adi Da Samraj (born Franklin Albert Jones) was a
controversial guru.
Cao Dai
This is a monotheistic religion from Vietnam. It
started in about 1926.
Diamond-Way Buddhism, or are we going to jump
out of the window? http://www.diamondway-buddhism.org/
I personally visited one lecture of Ole Nydahl.
He is a Danish who skydives and goes clubbing. Supposedly a holy Tibetan
man, called the 17th Karmapa,
considers him worthy. He started his Diamond-Way
Buddhism centers all over Europe and the rest of the world.
Why do I think Ole Nydahl is Buddha?
There is a big controversy over who is the 17th
Karmapa. There are two claimants: Urgyen
Trinley Dorje and Thaye Dorje -
each supported by important lamas from the Kagyu
1) Both Karmapas asked the Office
of the present Dalai Lama to confirm their recognition. Dalai
Lama confirmed Urgyen Trinley Dorje.
Ole Nydahl is supported by the other Karmapa (Thaye Dorje).
2) Ole Nydahl's sect is based upon cult of personality.
Buddha's teachings aim at one's
individual path to enlightenment;
thus people should test everything for themselves.
Ole Nydahl published an interview here where
he criticized Islam, although Islam consists of many views and it
is basically a religion of love
(continuation of Jesus) with few strong fundamentalist wings like
Christians have in Ireland (IRA). Nydahl's comments help to disintegrate
healthy understanding of multiculturalism (religious
intolerance) and impose an idea on the public as if all
people who follow Islam were bad. Bahaism, too, is Islam. A
good article about Ole can
be seen here. I cannot accept statements such as, "When
is the last time the Christians stoned anyone to death"
to be used for generalization of Islam,
as we must always look at concrete people, their bad customs and traditions.
In all our history we may find MANY
proofs when concrete religious leaders abused Christianity,
Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism,
so we must criticize them. If someone - for example, a Buddhist,
transmits signals of hatred without pointing to sins
of concrete people, he is abusing Buddhism.
Buddhism is against violence and
not against those Muslims who do not commit
violence. You can also ask a similar question, "What
is the last time you saw stoning, killing and shooting human beings?"
The answer is: "Every time you watch
American films" (very often we also hear news that
say that innocent people were killed by US soldiers).
Some Muslims saved lives of Jews during World
War II, but it is up to us to find out that the media present only
ONE PICTURE of Islam, as they
are owned by moneymakers and the more cruelty they show, the more
they are happy. Some people say that Muslims love Jesus even more
than Christians according to the Meaning of True Love:
"It may be that God will ordain love
between you and those of them with whom ye are at enmity. Allah is
Mighty, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. " {Holy
Qur'an 60:7}
This is a "parodic religion",
which has its roots in the Buddhist
school of Rinzai (Zen).
The basis of a "parodic religion"
is to ridicule the world and its representatives. There is also an
offshoot of Diskordianism - The Church
of Subgenius (http://www.subgenius.com) and its parodic
style (similar to Diskordianism)
can be seen here
Divine Light Mission
This is an organization founded in 1960 by guru Shri
Hans Ji Maharaj in northern India.
Eckankar is a new religious movement focused on spiritual
exercises aimed at experiencing the "Light
and Sound of God." It was founded by Paul Twitchell
in 1965, who is regarded controversial, as other masters in our history
had already presented the same ideas.
Falun Gong
Falun Gong (Falun Dafa, too) is a spiritual movement
introduced to the public in China by Li Hongzhi
in 1992. It has meditation exercises, but Buddhism
considers it misleading because Falun Gong is a new concept and Buddhism
has been tested throughout history.
Gangaji is an American female spiritual speaker.
Listening to her talks may appear blissful and you can find some of
her videos on Youtube.com, just
search for the keyword Gangaji.
God's Direct Contact
This organization was started by a Vietnamese woman
who teaches the Quan Yin meditation
technique. She has her own TV channel and likes herself to be seen
as God. Her centers are all over the world.
Hanuman Foundation
Started by Ram Dass, this organization was incorporated
in California in 1974.
Hare Krishna
Its founder Swami Prabhupada
was a very enthusiastic person.
But after his death the organization is criticized for its scandals.
There is a website of former Hare Krishna worshippers in the Czech
Republic, so find out (http://www.krsna.wz.cz/). The organization
has its reform movement, the ISKCON Revival
Movement: http://www.iskconirm.com/. Another website informs
about persistent
child abuse problem in the Hare Krishna movement.
Life Bliss Foundation
Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda
is an Indian who built an organization Life
Bliss Foundation with focus on treatment and meditation
(a Shaiva branch). The above guru introduced his new meditation technique
called Nithya Dhyaan, which can
be translated as Eternal Meditation. He earns quick money and
has a lot of critics. Youtube has many
videos and comments about this cult. You will learn more on one
of anticult websites like
this one. Recently this guru became well-known for his sexual
scandal with a Bollywood actor.
Maharishi TM movement
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
started an organization based on the Ayurvedic
knowledge. The organization builds universities all over
the world and sells various Vedic techniques and medicines for quite
large sums of money. Maharishi derived the Transcendental Meditation
technique from the ancient Vedic tradition
of India, but the sad thing about this is that he copyrighted it in
a certain sense. Money is important but spirituality requires openness
- like the one we all expect from God. What has happened is that TM
became a relentless business supposedly run upon the wings of God.
Almost every new TM member is pulled into the web of various "techniques"
whose purpose is only one: pay for them. Without asking for a dime,
God has always healed the sick
by means of His messengers whom the mankind generally accepts (Jesus,
Pushtimarg (Way of Mercy)
This is a very old Indian sect founded by Vallabhacharya
(1479 - 1531), who was also known as Mahaprabhuji.
It is a vaishnava tradition and it revitalizes
in the West. Moksha can only be
achieved by practicing the so-called "sewa",
which is the essence of all Pushtimarg. Sewa
is a service when devotees serve Krishna as mother serves her child.
SoI - Science of Identity Foundation
Jagad Guru aka
Chris Butler is the Hawaii based
Hare Krishna offshoot, but it is not Hare Krishna. Chris Butler
had helped Swami Prabhupada to establish ISKCON, was part of
it, and after Prabhupada's death he left ISKCON. They dress normally,
maintain Chaitanya tradition, but are not affiliated with Hare Krishna,
although they have similar practices (no sex, no alcohol, etc.).
Sahaja Yoga
This was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (born
in India), who emphasizes a Kundalini awakening for one's Self Realization.
Sathya Sai Baba
Sathya Sai Baba
is a guru who claimed to be the reincarnation of Sai
Baba of Shirdi (an Indian saint from the 19th century,
who taught that people should forgive, help others, develop inner
peace and have devotion to God). Wikipedia
says that there are about 1,200 Sathya Sai Baba Centers in 114 countries
all over the world. Sai Baba's teaching comprises qualities such as
that humans should be free from desires and that desires bring mental
pain. One of his prominent followers accused Sai Baba of child abuse,
but a lot of criticism actually helped him. Not only in politics,
but in religions, too, we may encounter a number of false but also
justified accusations, which require a serious investigation without
which such accusations will always stand on thin ice.
This is something very nice. The movement was started
by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche with focus on meditation practice
called Shambhala Training.
Soka Gakkai International - SGI
Adherents of this path practice the so-called So-ka
Gakkai's form of the Nichiren
Buddhism, and this is the largest group of the Nichiren
Buddhists in the world - a Buddhist organization, a Japanese religious
movement, which was formed in the 20th century from ideas of the Nichiren
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
This is a Chaitanya mission, but not ISKCON.
Do not get confused seeing pictures of Swami
Prabhupada on their website, as Swami
Prabhupada followed the Chaitanya
path too (which is not ISKCON only). Sridhara
Maharaja started this mission in about the year
1942. This is just another vaishnava
mission along with ISKCON (Hare Krishna). Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math is not ISKCON, but they consider
ISKCON to be their sister organization and have, too, a great respect
for Swami Prabhupada (the founder
Story Waters
These two guys, Lee and Story, offer "freedom
exercises" (free of charge) and some of their teachings (meditation)
may appear helpful.
SYDA - Siddha Yoga
The organization was started by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
and from cheaply hired places they built quite a "rich company".
Sri Chimnoy
I do not want to comment this person very much, but
he preached sexual restraint, on the one hand, and became quite infamous
for various sexual scandals on the other hand (he already died).
These do not need to keep contact with the surface
world and they know why.
Theosophical Society
This is a very nice community of people who cultivate
spiritual principles. The Society was started by H. P. Blavatsky (a
famous clairvoyant).
YIDL (Yoga In Daily Life)
Yoga In Daily Life is a school of yoga founded by
Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda and
it has centers all over the world. Paramhans
Swami Maheshwarananda is presently situated mostly in Austria
Search for "Swami Maheshwarananda abuse"
in Google (sexual scandals). If you find any result about abuse, this
does not mean that the abuse really happened. Think. Anonymity on
the web has also faces of abuse. Presumption of innocence is a legal
right recognized by most nations. Presumption of innocence serves
to emphasize that the prosecution has the obligation to prove each
element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. If there are doubts,
no one can say that the accused person is guilty.
I read one post on a fake-guru forum and here is
an advice to one ex-disciple who got involved with the Maheshwarananda's
business (not really yoga, if you know what is the difference): Many
of us have been there, too, and guess what: despite all the curses
and threats, we are much happier than even these fake gurus will ever
be. Just look at it from their side: how poor and needy must you be
to threaten those who want to leave you? How tiny and fragile their
selves must be. And now, compare yourself with Maheshwarananda: you
don't have to pretend to be anyone else than who you are. It
won't be for long and Maheshwarananda will be gone out of your head.
He doesn't belong there anyway.
very good video that enlightenment cannot be made a business.
This all here is not an accusation, but rather an
opinion. If I do not like behavior of people who take flowers from
the nature's womb and sell them, this does not mean that I accuse
them of a crime, because I have the same
right to go into the woods and bring those beautiful flowers to my
Achieving peace means we are going in the direction
of detachment and love. This is yoga. The Anti-Swamiji People/Sex
Abuse Camp is fighting for its own throne like Maheshwarananda.
Swami Balendu says
(in his video - the first part) that ego and love are incompatible.
Let's the one without any sin cast
the first stone! Maheshwarananda is not selling enlightenment and
he is just an instructor of yoga - and a very good one. For me he
will be always innocent.
Special and historical groups...
The following part
is quite special, as it contains
some historical and esoteric schools,
missions and teachings, so the above introduction
of sects and cults cannot be reasonably applied to the following
groups, as society and culture were
quite different some centuries ago, thus the word "sect"
carries a different meaning here.
Dolpo Bon Society (DBS)
Dolpo Bon society's
aim is to revive and flourish the ideas of the pre-Buddhist
culture of Tibet (and Nepal) known as Bön
(indigenous faith of the Tibetan people) or Zhang
Zhung (sometimes referred to as Shang
Shung). Bön was the religion
of the Zhang Zhung culture or
Zhang Zhung kingdom. Today, the
practitioners (known as Bonpos) of this ancient tradition have their
Lamas, monasteries, a canon of scriptures, and their own system of
philosophy and education. The oldest source of information about Bön
may be the Annals of Lake Manasarowar.
It is assumed that the Zhang Zhung culture
was centered around the sacred Mount Kailash
(for Hindus Mount Kailash is the abode of the all-blissful Lord
Shiva and His divine spouse Parvati).
Bön, the ancient pre-Buddhist
religious culture, has also its encyclopedic
Gelug is a Buddhist
school also known as the Yellow Hat
Sect, which started in about the year 1400
AD. Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), a philosopher and Tibetan
religious teacher, founded it.
Kashmir Shaivism
This is a shaiva
school (where Lord Shiva is seen as the Absolute
God) with a number of offshoots like transcendental
physicalism, concrete monism,
Trika Shaivism, etc. The school
arose in about the 9th century
in Kashmir and one of its very
important representatives was Swami Lakshman
Joo Raina, who died in the year 1992.
A form of sophisticated tantrism, Kaula,
is a secret (esoteric) branch
of Shaivism. "Kaula" or "Kula"
is a form of tantrism in which
"Kula" is seen as the
Shiva-Shakti heavenly couple.
There are three important schools in tantrism:
Kaula, Samaya and
Mishra. Kaula
has external objects in focus; Samaya
is a path of pure yoga; and Mishra a
combination of Kaula and Samaya.
This is one of the more extreme
forms of shaiva tantrism, which
is very close (in its form and practice) to the
Yogini cult (a female cult with focus on occult practices).
These are the followers of Lord
Vishnu (vaishnavas) also known as Brahma
Sampradayins. Madhavacharya,
who was born in about the year 1200, founded this group. They mark
their body with Lord Vishnu's
This is an orthodox sect of Sikhism.
Nimbarka lived in the 13th
century and is known for propagating the vaishnava
concept of Dvaitadvaita, which
is a subschool of Vedanta.
Some scholars assume that he was the author of Madhvamukhamardana.
This is a religious movement within Sikhism.
Sri Pirannath started this movement in the 15th century.
The followers worship Bala Krishna
- Krishna as a small
Ramanandis are followers of Ramananda
- a very famous Hindu saint. It is a
vaishnava sect; they worship
Rama, Sita and Hanuman.
The group started in Punjab in about the year 1657
and it is part of Sikhism.
Vallabhacharins or Rudra Sampradayins
Started by Camparanya
(1479), the followers of this belief worship Krishna
in the form of a small child.
This little contribution may help those who honestly
search for existential meaning the purpose of which this website tries
to highlight a little. If you want to become a Buddha,
the first thing you should do about improving your karma
is to start believing that everything is wrong.