A Commentary On Globalization, Or Is The Orwell's Totalitarian World What We Want? ?global? Giorgio Sipos (c) 2004 This article was last updated on July 5, 2011. Read what Goddess Durga says on the subject. This world is ruled by money - we live in a caballed world of "moneycracy" where the capital is concentrated into a sinister web of gigantic corporations that subsequently infect masses with their products and ideas about products through media, which these mega corporations also own. They, too, weave personal contacts with politicians (they bribe them by various gifts) who, in turn, knit laws for them and for their akin financial groups. Any parliament or government is actually a mega corporations' puppet, as these have power to rule on everything, and Microsoft is one of them. Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation Why Windows or centralization makes things rather more
unstable than stable? So why more people use Windows? It is a matter of
money - global corporations cooperate with producers and many
of them do not publish proprietary specifications for their
drivers, so as to confuse us all. What are possible side-effects of centralization? Why decentralization is better than centralization? Decentralization of power works de facto like in open source systems - NOT IN DEVELOPMENT, of course, BUT in the WAY OF EXERCISING IT (power) - it brings real democracy. Governments often produce incomprehensible laws, and it is apparent that LAW is deliberately written inaccurately and is construed with ample possibilities to be used for means of sophisticated abuses - that is, political manipulation. Where are we going? So we can see that practices of mega corporations aim to achieve total enslavement of population, which is a depravation of our most fundamental rights and freedoms. Some people call this system Matrix. Thus, we are in the system where a malign control of people takes place; it is carefully built and prepared and we must eat its fruits - it is difficult for us to say NO. For example, we can mention implementation of universal chip identification cards (health chips or driving-license chips) - the trend which is now very modern. Deployed were also special camera systems for shooting of vehicle registration numbers in many Slovakian cities under the pretence of the NATO Summit. Building-up the political system in the Slovak Republic after more than a quarter of a century of parliament struggles in the post velvet-revolution processes revealed complete politicians' FAILURE to understand us - the normal people. Neither President, nor the state officials HAVE in their programs an objective for IMPROVING QUALITY OF PEOPLE'S LIFE - that is, CUTTING DOWN the extent of work invested in favor of corporations to such a measure that people would HAVE MORE TIME FOR QUALITY LIFE with aim to achieve positive development of their health and family. At the same time, the level of our economy HAS POSSIBILITIES TO ALLOW DECREASE OF PEOPLE'S WORKLOAD. An overwhelming majority of employers are interested to squeeze out their employees - suck the MAXIMUM OF THEIR ENERGY off and to employ all available means to achieve this goal. Pressure comes from all sides. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES INCREASE THESE EMPLOYERS' POSSIBILITIES UP TO THE MAXIMUM! However, this advancement will not secure any higher standard of living - it will make complete puppets and slaves of us! The situation that presently goes on around us in the world can be defined as a development of the ORWELL'S TOTALITARIAN WORLD. Media often lie; they omit or distort facts - for example, Der Spiegel published a report on results of the last Eurobarometer within the scope of which also the satisfaction of EU member states in relation to foreign EU and US policy and war on terror was reported. Of a substantial importance was the fact that from among the new EU member states Slovaks expressed the most critical viewpoints together with Latvians. Albeit our daily press reported about the said survey in a very big detail, they omitted the information on people's perceiving the foreign policy of EU and USA. We can find thousands of such withheld truths. What is anarchy? Anarchy is a condition where there is no dictating order, but chaos, which we also witness everyday in our lives. "Anarchy" in a real sense of the word is thinking against the authority. The bigger the state, the more its officers and the higher probability of bribing and abusing cases. History of anarchy - There is a difference between an anarchistic movement and philosophical adherents of anarchy. The main two pioneers of the formative period were: a Frenchman, Pierre Proudhon, and his Russian disciple in exile - Mikhail Bakunin. "What is property" - Proudhon says - "Theft!"
Anarchy has a much longer history than communism - it is a condition in which there is no state - no government, but everything is based upon agreements with respecting everyone's rights. This condition also existed in the past, for example, in the Biblical history - Abraham, Noah and many others lived in society, not under a governmental coercion. Lands and people's freedoms were later stolen in savage violence of white barbarians. Slaughtering of native Indians in Latin and North America, brutal slaughtering of Australian aboriginals which were hunted down and killed like rabbits without any legal consequences from world-wide institutions is a fine-looking example. In Australia, this condition persisted up to the 20th century. So if we look at the history of anarchy, it surely had existed ages before the epic voyages of Captain Cook, who discovered Australia.